Permission - Pet

Pet permission

You don't have the right type of property to do this. If you want further information, please contact us on 0333 400 8222 or email us at


You are currently unable to request permission for a pet due to outstanding money owed to Aster. If you wish to make a payment, please click here. You will be able to try again once your account balance is clear.
If you have any queries please feel free to contact us at if we can assist.

Unfortunately you are unable to keep pets at this property. This is because our policy states that pets are not permitted in flats with communal areas. Please refer to your agreement for your terms and conditions for details. If you have any further queries, please feel free to contact us at

Account reference number Address
000000 1 Some Road, Somewhere, AB12 3CD
Current Account Balance 0.00 (Credit)

Please note you will have to pay a £40 administration fee for this request.

If you’re happy to pay this, please select Submit and we’ll get in touch within five working days. If you don’t want to go ahead please select Cancel or if you change your mind after you’ve submitted your request, you can cancel this in your messages or tell us when we contact you.


I agree to the following terms and understand that if any of the conditions detailed below are breached Aster will withdraw permission for the pet and will give me 28 days for the pet to be re-homed.

It is my responsibility to abide by the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and ensure that the animal:

• Has a suitable place to live
• Is provided with a suitable diet
• Exhibits normal behaviour
• Is housed with, or apart from, other animals (if applicable)
• Is protected from pain, injury, suffering and disease

I understand that if I have been banned from having pets or previously had pets removed from my household that any approval can be revoked at any time.

It is my responsibility to make sure that all animals are kept in proper care and control and will not cause a nuisance to other residents.

I will not allow my pets to foul in communal areas. Any fouling on public land or in my garden must be cleared up immediately.

I will not allow my pets to cause damage to the property and will not keep pets for commercial breeding purposes.

I will microchip my dog and ensure my contact details are kept up to date as this is a legal requirement. I understand that I may be asked for proof of this.

I understand that wild animals and endangered species are not permitted under any circumstances.
